May 18, 2008: C.S. Lewis on politics - 0 Comments

"Why should quiet ruminants as you and I have been born in such a ghastly age? Let me palliate the apparent selfishness of this complain by asserting that there are people, who, while not, of course, liking actual suffering when it falls to their own share, do really like the 'stir', the 'sense of great issues'. Lord!, how I loathe great issues. How I wish they were all adjourned sine die. 'Dynamic' I think is one of the words invented by this age which sums up what it likes and I abominate. Could one start a Stagnation party - which at General elections would boast that during its term of office no event of the least importance had taken place?"

Lewis, in a letter to his brother, The Collected Letters of C.S. Lewis, Vol II, 1940.


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