March 5, 2007: Trollope on A Woman's Life - 1 Comments

A woman's life is important to her, – as is that of a man to him, not chiefly in regard to that which she shall do with it. The chief thing for her to look to is the manner in which that something shall be done. It is of moment to a young man when entering life to decide whether he shall make hats or shoes; but not of half the moment that will be that other decision, whether he shall make good shoes or bad. And so with a woman; – if she shall have recognized the necessity of truth and honesty for the purposes of her life, I do not know that she need ask herself many questions as to what she will do with it.
-- Trollope, Can You Forgive Her?, 1865.


Blogger Matt Baker said...

Cap Trollope quotes with me!

"...she need ask herself many questions as to what she will do with it."

"to soften another man's heart, [a man] should always abuse himself. In softening a woman's heart, he should abuse her." -- Trollope, The Last Chronicle of Barset

April 25, 2008 at 12:07 AM  

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